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Tom Brown, Clarinet Instructor, Retired Director of Bands, Consultant 


Thomas Brown retired in 2016 from full-time teaching after a 38 year career. In his last position, he served as the Director of Bands at Veterans High School in Kathleen,GA, where he helped open the school in 2010. The 240-member program earned Superior ratings in marching and concert band every year since opening. In 2009, the Veterans Wind Symphony was invited to perform at the Southeastern United States Concert Band Clinic at Troy University in Alabama. Prior to this, Mr. Brown held the same position at Jeff Davis High School in Hazlehurst, GA for 17 years. The Jeff Davis Concert Bands received Superior ratings at the GMEA State Large Group Performance Evaluation for 17 consecutive years while performing the highest quality band literature. In 1996, the Jeff Davis Band was selected to perform at the SEUS Clinic in Troy, Alabama. In 1998, the band was chosen to perform at the GMEA State In-Service Conference, one of the few rural school bands in Georgia to ever be so honored. In 2006, the band again performed at the SEUS Clinic in Troy, AL. In 2007, the band was honored to perform for a second time at the GMEA State In-Service Conference. In 2008, the band was invited to perform at the prestigious University of Georgia Janfest. Additionally, in 2008, the band was named an Honor Band of Georgia by Columbus State University. In 2009, the band was selected to perform for the third time at the SEUS Clinic in Troy, Alabama.


Mr. Brown is in demand throughout the southeast as an adjudicator and clinician. He has judged marching bands in Georgia, Alabama and Florida. He has judged concert bands in Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina and has been a Head Adjudicator in Georgia since the program’s inception. He has been an Honor Band Clinician in GMEA Districts 1, 2, 10, 11 and 13. He has been the guest conductor for the Southeastern United States (SEUS) Concert Band Clinic Middle School Honor Band at Troy University and was the first High School Director ever invited to conduct one of the SEUS High School Honor Bands in 2010. He has been listed in Who’s Who Among American Teachers and was the Jeff Davis County 2007 Teacher of the Year. He is a four-time recipient of the National Band Association Citation of Excellence. In January 2009, he was named the GMEA State Music Educator of the Year. He served GMEA as a Vice-president for All-State Events, the District and Instrumental Chairman for District 8 and served as Instrumental Chairman for District 11. He is a member of NAfME, GMEA, Phi Beta Mu, and the National Band Association.


Mr. Brown currently serves as an Adjunct Professor of Woodwinds at Middle Georgia State University. Mr. Brown also works weekly as a band and woodwind consultant for 4 high schools in Houston County (Veterans, Warner Robins, HOCO and Northside), GA and has 20 active students in his personal Clarinet Studio.

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