It takes three parts to make a great band program: the students, the staff and the parents. The Veterans High School Band Boosters helps facilitate the third component of our fabulous band program.
The Band Booster Association provides crucial financial and other assistance to the band. As a parent or guardian of a band student, you are automatically a member of the Veterans Band Boosters, and we encourage your active participation. While the Houston County School system provides some financial support to the band program, the full support of the Booster organization is needed to maintain the caliber of program that we have come to expect. Even if your time is limited, there are numerous ways in which you can help make the Veterans Instrumental Music Department better. Your talents and abilities are needed. There are plenty of projects for everyone who wants to be involved. The more involved you are, the more you experience the benefits that your student enjoys as part of the band.
Don’t wait to be asked: volunteer where you see you are needed. If you want to be involved but don’t see a job to be done, ask for ideas, there are plenty to go around!
Parent Responsibilities
It is the responsibility of every band parent and guardian to see that the policies outlined in the Band Handbook are followed. Parents’ responsibility also includes encouraging their children to practice daily: on instruments or flag routines. Parents are also responsible to support their students’ band activities. The band directors need the help and encouragement of ALL band parents.
Marching Band Parents: Please attend football games and sit next to the band whether you are an “official” chaperone or not. Parents sitting between the band and other spectators provide a barrier to help protect our students’ belongings, and offer the opportunity to know other students and parents in the band. But even more importantly, it shows our love and support for our Mighty Warhawk Squadron!
Be There!
You are highly encouraged to attend band performances at band concerts, marching competitions, and football games. You’ll enjoy and appreciate the performance of your student and the band. They may be ‘almost grown’ and think they don’t need their parents around, but they still want their parent’s interest and approval. Even if your student says they don’t necessarily want you there, come anyway—just give them some space. There are many other students who will recognize and appreciate your interest. In the future, they’ll look back and appreciate your presence.
Competitions generally represent the band performing at their best, and are performances you won’t want to miss!